I started my journey in my teens with very simple aim to gain weight, build muscle and become curvier. Being a runner and one of the taller girls, I always felt paranoid about being ‘lanky’. 

I fell in love with weight training in the gym and transformed my physique before competing in IFBB Bikini shows.

Although I took lots of wins and I learned so much about my own capabilities, it came at a cost to my health. I am thankful for the discipline which bodybuilding taught me but I lost much of the muscle I had built over the years by chasing an unhealthy obsession for being lean on stage.

Once I made the decision to leave competitive bodybuilding and train for performance, my confidence, happiness and overall wellbeing drastically improved. Now I don’t have to choose between my love for running and lifting!

My mission is to nurture a strong community of determined women who want to look good and perform better too! 

I honestly feel a lot younger! I feel so confident now


It has been a great experience working with Em


I’m really glad I took that leap of faith

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